Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Two Faces of Sakaria Romaccio/ Welcome 2012

Hello everyone! I figured that I'd bring 2011 to a close with a new picture! 

When Sakia was left behind on Earth, she was forced to use a mixture to temporarily alter some of her DNA so that she could appear human. Not that she minded, though, considering that she likes the humans more than her own race, the Qi.

Now, time for my commemoration of this year which is about to pass!

It is hard to believe that 2011 is almost over already, with less than an hour to go! It seems to me that it was just yesterday that I was watching 2010: The Year We Made Contact to celebrate the title year, and that was two years ago, nonetheless! But, all in all, 2011 has been a fairly productive year for me; I have learned cartooning, let alone how to use the basics of Gimp, I have done plenty of reading and writing, and I have shared some marvelous memories with my friends and family. And I look forward to doing all of this the coming year, and more! 

So, without further ado, I give you my informal list of New Year's Resolutions and ambitions:

1.) Attempt to get one of my works published. Yes people, I don't just sit here and type blog entries all day (though I must say, I do my share of that); I actually have enough to patience to commit myself to other projects!

2.) Manage my stress better - don't we all want to do that?

3.) Be a nicer person. Yes, believe it or not, I do have my flaws!

4.) Work some more on my cartooning and animations.

5.) I'll think of something later, I'm sure!  

So, I now bring this fairly succinct and non-eloquent blog post to a close, as well as this year. I wish you all a happy and successful 2012! 



Tyler said...
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Tyler said...

Nice resolutions! :)

I really hope you stick to #3. It'd be nice if you didn't make me cry or pull my hair anymore when you visit P'ville.

(1st comment deleted for butchered English. It's early.)

Zero Gravity said...

I'll try... I can't gaurantee about the crying part though, people tend to do it when they see my face.