Monday, August 22, 2011

Important Information That Us Humans Should Know

I've recently been turned onto the BBC series "Doctor Who", a decision that I don't think that I'll be regretting. In the past, I have given the recent "Doctor Who" series a try, though this was back when David Tennant was still playing the Doctor in 2010, and I wasn't all that impressed. But, then again, that was also when I was going through a serious "X-Files" stage, so I viewed "Doctor Who's" natural humor as a nuisance. However, after giving it another shot, I have found Matt Smith's performance as the Doctor to be a very convincing, quirky, and charismatic one.

Anyways, so that I won't confuse you with any possible future references, I have provided a very helpful informational video that has allowed me to understand the essence of pretty much the whole show dating back to its first appearance in the 60's without having to deal with the original episodes' annoying cheesiness. Besides, it was just plain entertaining to hear two guys go through 47 years of television in around 6 minutes; my head is still spinning. XD

P.S: My favorite episodes so far are "The Pandorica Opens" and "The Big Bang" ("The Big Bang" is a continuation of "The Pandorica Opens").

Oh, and sorry about the delay; I'll try to post some more stuff soon. :P

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Yay! New picture! This one took a while! It's of Zim experimenting with a blow torch on what he calls a "Petal-Stick" (flower). Okay, I'm not very good with backgrounds (or maybe I just haven't really tried too hard before), so it's just purple and black with some shadows. Hope you like it anyways!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stick Around!

Hi everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't really posted anything in a little while (a week, maybe, I don't know); I've been busy lately working on stuff. That, and the fact that I've been lost in traffic over in the Andromeda Galaxy (man, they really need to learn about traffic lights!). So, I'll try to get something up within the next week. Stick around!
