Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Fattest Fish You'll Ever See

His name is Bucky. Isn't he handsome?
P.S: Oh, and in case any of you are wondering, Vinnie and Tia are my two really fat pugs.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Latest Endeavor Into Animation

Here is my latest animation project! You may or may not recognize the main character from one of the pictures that I posted, but, anyway, she is someone from a book that I wrote (if you ever read this, Dote, you should know what one I mean). IT ISN'T FINISHED YET, so, that's why the music cuts off at the end and you feel so unfulfilled (for once it isn't my bad editing). I was just so excited to post this, even though it definitely isn't the best animation video ever... so, enjoy! I'll be sure to post it again when I'm finished!

P.S: The song is "That Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Top Five Television Openings

Here are the top five television show opening credits... at least, in my opinion. Enjoy!


Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Office (U.S. Version)

The X-Files

Drumroll, please, for the number one opening credits! Ta da!

Invader Zim

Please, keep in mind that I don't own any of the videos that I post from YouTube!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened To Me Today...

Okay, so I was taking a walk through a cemetery today (yes, I understand how creepy that sounds) when I saw this sign. I hope you get as much of a kick out of this as I did.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Here's an animation I did starring my own Invader Zim character. I used Paint and Windows Live Movie Maker and did everything myself. By the way, if the last word got cut off slightly, the last word is "race".

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Artwork

Hey everyone. Here's some artwork that I did. I hope you enjoy, and please, no stealing credit, pasting it on another site, and saying that you did it. Thank you!

*The appearance of this character was inspired by one of the main characters from the original Stargate film, though the character's personality and predicament are my own creation.*


*This drawing resembles a sculpture I found on Google Images while searching "9 movie"... I don't know what website it was from, but nonetheless, I want to make it clear that this drawing was inspired by it.*

Here are just a few images of my Invader Zim OC.

This one is in a sort of Tim Burton-like style... or at least, that's what it made me think of...

And something that I made for the Mopiness of Doom Contest on Soapy Waffles.

Another random picture of the same person that I did when I got bored.

Another "Invader Zim" OC of mine, Tex.

This is a modified version of Tex.

My Irken OC's... so far.
*I know that some of the picture blends in with the frame, I'm just... experimenting... mwahahaha!!!*