Monday, September 26, 2011

Sonic Screwdriver

As you derived from my last post (which was a while ago; I apologize, and hope to publish some of my artwork soon), my latest obssession is "Doctor Who" (the version with Matt Smith, which is significantly better than the David Tennant version [I have absolutely nothing against Tennant, I just despise the script writing], though the Tennant episodes "Silence in the Library" and "Midnight" were very well done). In the series, the Doctor has this TOTALLY AMAZING device, dubbed a "Sonic Screwdriver".

For more images of sonic screwdrivers, just search it on Google Images; I'm a little lazy right now, and don't feel like posting many pictures. :)

Okay, so instantly, the nerd inside of me was aroused and I just KNEW that I HAD to get one! I'm too lazy and too cheap to go out and buy one right now, so I did the next best thing; I attempted to make one.

I have observed multiple individuals over the internet having used pen lights or laser pointers, so I bought a Black & Decker light.

I'll spare you the boring details, and just say that I spray-painted it and glued on a couple little trinkets, thanks to the resources of a friend, and voila!

I have a little hand action going on in this shot. XD

Okay, so it definitely isn't the best work in the world, but I'm happy for now. :)