Friday, July 8, 2011

Sand Art

Yeah, yeah, I know, the title sounds REALLY boring, like something off of those commercials where they try to sell you moon sand or whatever. Bear with me. Okay, so today I went to the beach, went swimming, sat in the sun, all of that good stuff. And just for the heck of it, I just drew and wrote a bunch of stuff in the sand. So, yeah, here you go.

"Zero was here"... well, was there... whatever.

In case you can't read my terrible writing, it says "Stitchpunk Central"... yay! I know, I'm such a genius, finding such creative ways to advertise my blog!

Don't worry, I'm getting to the pictures, I just figured that if I was going to advertise for my blog, I might as well advertise for my favorite website, Soapy Waffles, as well. Go Soapy Waffles! 

Just to kind of go with the whole Soapy Waffles thing, I made the symbol for the Irken Empire from "Invader Zim". Irkens unite!

For all of you Radiohead fans out there! For any of you who don't know the Radiohead logo, I've attached a picture of it below.

It's watching you...

Oh, and just a little fun fact; the beach that I went to was right next to a nuclear power plant! Well, not right next to (and no, the lake was not filled with radioactive sludge, or at least, not to my knowledge). Well, it wasn't right next to, it was maybe a few miles away, but you could still see it on the skyline. It was pretty cool looking, because the cooling tower looked as if it were sitting on top of the water on the horizon. I would have gotten a picture of it, but the cell phone that I was taking pictures with couldn't zoom in enough to get a shot of it.

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