Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ha Ha Ha!

Okay, a while back, I got bored, so I made this with photoshop using some pictures from the films "Moon" and "District 9" (two of my favorites). If you've seen either/both of the films, you might get the joke. Otherwise, you'll probably just think that I"m crazy.
The caption below the title reads "The Sweetie Man's Back and He's Hungry"... again, something that you would have needed to watch District 9 to understand. At the bottom of the "poster" it says "A Film By Neill Blomkamp and Duncan Jones". Oh, and just a note; "District 9" belongs to Neill Blomkamp and "Moon" belongs to Duncan Jones, this is NOT a real film, I am not trying to steal any credit for anything, etcetera, etcetera, you get the point.

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