Saturday, December 17, 2011

London Blitz Painting

Hi everyone! I'm baaaaaack! And with a new artistic media (no, it has not replaced cartooning; this is merely a one-time thing)!

I have never been very good with painting, but then again, I've never really tried. However, I was willing to make an exception this time. I had a really neat dream about the London Blitz a week ago, except with a little bit more steampunk than in actuality. ;) So, I wanted a way to communicate the feelings that this dream had given me, and I took a couple hours to paint it today. I'm rather pleased with the result, but would never go as far as to say that it is exceptional; I am certainly no da Vinci!

So, without further ado, London Blitz! :)

The colors look different between the two pictures because they were taken with two different cameras. 

I have also attached some videos from YouTube of a couple songs which go with the feeling of my dream/painting, in my opinion at least.

"Contention City"

"Like Spinning Plates (Live)"


Lux Aeterna said...

I loooooovve the painting!!!!!It looks so cool and I'm not exagerating. XD

Zero Gravity said...

Why thank you! :)