Thursday, June 30, 2011

My "Invader ZIM" Artwork Part II

I've been doing some more "Invader ZIM" pictures, so I've decided to post them in another thread. I'll add any new "Invader ZIM" stuff to this thread for a while until it gets too full. So, be sure to check back!!!

Ha ha ha, do NOT make Gaz angry! The text reads "Teach them to dress me up all pretty... no matter; they will PAY!!!". Oh, and I know that she's missing her eyebrows; I fixed that in the drawing, I just haven't gotten around to taking another picture yet.

A picture of Zim in his human disguise that I did. I'm rather proud of how it turned out, actually. I did make a computer drawn version of it as well, but it turned out a little scratchy, so I'm going to probably clean it up before I post it.

My latest version of me in Invader Zim style.

Same picture, but traced on the computer and colored using GIMP. Oh, and by the way, it says "Zero" in Irken Font.

A sketch of Zim. Yay, I'm getting better with his proportions! XD

Computer traced.

A sketch of Dib.

Dib traced and colored using GIMP

An abstract picture of Dib that I somehow made while I was fooling around on the computer. Hmm... when I view it on my computer, it doesn't seem to show up. If any of you have the same problem, click on the frame to get an enlarged picture. It should show up then.

Some poses of Dib that I did for practice based off of a turnsheet that I found online. Sorry about the crappy quality, I took this at night. Ha ha ha, you can see through to the next page a little bit...

Some more Dib poses based off of the same turnsheet.

Zim angry, or in pain, or something...

An extremely crude and quick sketch of Tex that I did so that I could practice tracing on the computer.

The result.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wow... Somebody Actually Made This...

Wow... this has GOT to be the stupidest movie that I've ever watched even five minutes of! I happened to catch a little of it because nothing else was on the tube, and let me tell you, this is one of those films that are so stupid, it's funny. I'm adressing the adaptation of Moby Dick entitled "2010: Moby Dick". Now, this movie made that whale seem like the terminator! I'm serious! At one point, the whale actually jumped out of the ocean, onto the island, and slithered into the jungle, where, half a minute later, it proceeded to jump off of a cliff onto the people below. Now, if anyone who likes this film happens to read this, I apologize, but I highly doubt that that will happen. So, anyway, I've posted the trailer for the film below. Keep in mind that these people wanted to NUKE the whale, and that this trailer actually makes it look better.... yeah. So, also keep in mind that I'm not saying that the novel Moby Dick is bad, nor some of the film adaptations, just this one. So, enjoy!


P.S: Sorry, I'm back to writing essays for my posts!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cool Negative

Original Drawing



Wow, I actually went without writing an entire paragraph about something for once!!! 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cartoon Stitchpunk Zero

Hi everyone! I got bored, and I wasn't feeling much inspiration for any new Invader Zim related drawings at the moment, so I decided to draw me, Zero, in cartoon form. So, here's my sketch that probably took me five minutes!

Oh, and maybe, just maybe I'll post a tutorial or guide on how to make your own stitchpunk in the future. MAYBE... I'm not making any promises.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Be The One" Picture

Okay, so I haven't made any cheesy music videos yet, but I DID make a drawing of some of the stuff that Moby's song "Be the One" makes me think of.

No, the picture in the top left corner is NOT that creepy girl from The Ring. However, it's more of something that I think of when I hear the song "Alone" by David Julyan. It's how I would imagine Sarah from The Descent crawling up from the depths of the caves into the sunlight determined to stay alive (SPOILER: even though, in the British version, her entire escape was just a dream). I haven't even seen that film, yet I know a bunch of stuff about it from IMDb... yeah.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Sorry, I'll get back to posting my artwork and stuff probably later this week, but I just really wanted to share this song. I am hooked after only listening to the whole thing maybe twice. As I listen to it, I can't help but think what a cool music video or film trailer that I could make using this! But, with the resources that I have, it would probably turn out incredibly cheesy... oh well! Anyway, sorry for my babbling; as you have probably figured out by now, it is impossible for me to do anything without writing at least a paragraph first!

"Be The One" by Moby, off of his newest album, "Destroyed".


I'm going to take a moment and step away from my usual crazy babbling about Invader Zim, or Star Trek, or wormholes, and I'm going to take a moment to say "Happy Father's Day" to all of my male relatives who may read this! I have two awesome grandfathers, five amazing uncles, and last but not least, one cool dad. I just want to say thank you to all of them for being so, well, awesome! They are all, thankfully, good people who make me laugh, take me for rides in their cool cars that may or may not be their prized possessions, or who don't mind me talking about all of my crazy obssessions, which, let me tell you, is pretty sweet. So, thank you to my grandfathers, my uncles, and last, but not least, my incredible paterfamilius, biking shorts, Shaggy pants, and all! You guys rock (in other words, "love y'all")!


Friday, June 17, 2011


Ha ha ha, I found this while browsing around on YouTube, and I just HAD to post it! Two of my favorite (television-related) things in the whole wide world combined into one: Invader Zim and 9!!!

Oh, and just for the heck of it, here's my favorite Invader Zim music video.

There are some cool shots/scenes (at least, in my opinion) starting at about 1:34 and going until the end.

IZ Artwork Slideshow

Okay, so I got bored, and I just threw together a little video of some of my Invader Zim artwork set to one of my favorite songs, "Don't Forget Me" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I figured that it would make looking at all of my boring pictures more interesting. Oh, and don't forget to check back on my "Invader Zim Artwork" post, because I add pictures to it (usually, I place them in the middle of the post, because, I'm a neat freak, and since most of the pictures that I make are of Tex, I place them with the rest of my Tex pictures). So, enjoy the video!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

My "Invader Zim" Artwork

Here is all of my Invader Zim related artwork. I know that I've already posted some of these in "My Artwork", but since I've been producing so many of them, I'll just make a separate thread. I'll be adding on to this as I make more. Oh, and if anybody steals any of these, I'll... melt your face off or something!!!

A sketch of Yixillian, one of my characters. 

Yixillian in the same pose, but drawn on the computer.

Computer drawn image of Yixillian.

A sketch of Tex looking insane.

Another sketch of Tex.

Tex looking serious unpainted.

Tex looking serious colored and shaded.

Tex looking serious with a plain blue background.

Tex happy (without looking insane).

An early version of Tex that I did (and by early, I mean that I made a newer version 10 minutes later).

My current version of Tex.

A sketch of something that I have come to call "Tex Meets the Sun" (it is based off of a scene from the film "Sunshine" that may or may not be known as "Capa Meets the Sun".

A mostly uncolored computer drawing of "Tex Meets the Sun".

A colored and vectorized version of "Tex Meets the Sun".

A complete version of "Tex Meets the Sun".

Tex with her PAK legs looking evil.

Here's the same picture, but with the edges faded. It makes it look as if there really is a light source behind her, AND it makes it appear more dramatic. You can see the faded edges better if you click on the image for a full screen view.

Tex in different poses.

A sketch of Rue, a character from a roleplay of mine.

A computer drawn picture of Rue.

Sketches of facial expressions of Zero with her human disguise on. (Sorry about the poor quality, but I took this picture at night in my terribly lit house with my iPod).

A sketch of a scene from "Episode 1"

Animated scene from "Episode 1".

Sketch of another scene from "Episode 1".

Animated scene from "Episode 1". (As you can see, I decided not to animate in the chair and the counter).
Note: This is the scene that I forgot Zero's PAK in... oops.

Back view of Irken Zero.

Sketch of Zero with her human disguise.

Computer drawn image of Zero with her human disguise. (I have since changed the pupils from ovals to rectangles)

Zero without her disguise.

Zero with blue background.

Zero and Zizi. (Zizi is Zero's SIR unit)

This is a picture of Zim that I did on Paint for some practice. You can easily find the original picture on Google Images.

Here's a picture of Zim that I did in the same pose in my own style.

Here's the picture of Zim that I'm the most proud of.

A picture of Zim with his human disguise on that I made.

A picture I did of Gir signed by ME!!!

A sketch of Gir in his dog disguise.

A sketch of Gaz that I did. I didn't use any reference or anything and this was my first time drawing her, which is why her outfit's off and she's a little too tall, etcetera.

Gaz also.


Dib computer drawn by me!!! However, I used the same pose as a real picture for practice, like I did with my first Zim drawing (not the one with the balloons). You can find the original on Google images, if you really want to, if you search "Invader Zim Dib".

Here is my first entry for the Mopiness of Doom Character Contest on Soapy Waffles.

And here is my final entry for the same contest.

I made another picture of the same person because I got bored.

Ha ha ha, my Irken ID.
My newest Invader Zim hand drawing as of 6/22/11, entitled "Is This Your Idea of Justice?". As I may or may not have mentioned in the description for "Invader Zero Episode 1", my character, Irken Invader Zero, over time finds a love for humanity even though she is supposed to eradicate the human race (this is based off of an idea that Jhonen Vasquez said  that he might have incorporated into "Invader Zim" had the series continued... you can see what I mean on Wikipedia [ah, wonderful Wikipedia]). So, yeah, this is the result of Dib finally proving that there are aliens disguised as humans on Earth (sorry Dib fans... trust me, this hurts me too XD). Basically, Zero was captured and brutal tests were conducted on her in labs. Wow, I really need to work on my summarizing...